Monthly Archives: May 2013

Getting Everything Ready

However we keep track of things, we each have some sort of revolving list of things to tackle.


“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.”

~A.A. Milne


If we work to develop a system to keep like things together or a place to gather the necessary items for a task, we will be better able to focus on completing the task to the best of our abilities.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Question those Pricks of Doubt

We all have them, the pricking, nagging insistent thoughts that crack our confidence.


“Our doubts are traitors, and oft might make us lose the good we might win, by fearing to attempt.”

~William Shakespeare


Explore the reasoning behind the doubt before letting it pierce completely through your new venture.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Noting the Complete Moment

Writers have this as an advantage, since we tend to be skilled at observation: to have a high level of awareness in a moment.


“Be where you are.  Otherwise you will miss your life.”



We can share this awareness with those around us.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Thinking Boundaries

We all have mental walls that stand around what we know, what we believe, what we want.


“You’re only bound by what you think.”

~Adam Schwerner


What if we carved in doors, erected ladders, or just knocked down a wall or two?


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Writing Your Meaning

Having people respond positively to something that you have written is such a rush.


“Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.”

~Les Brown


Set a goal to improve your writing, write it down and tell someone – and then day by day you can make it happen.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

What Effect Do We Have?

Most of us have a very small sphere of influence, relatively speaking, but we do have one.


“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

~Mary Oliver, When Death Comes


We don’t have to get grandiose and think about our legacy, but our acts and words can have meaning.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Attempt Something New

We can be thwarted by things that appear to be roadblocks, the ending of some part of our life.


“At the end of your life, all the things you thought were periods; they turn out to be commas.”

~Matthew McConaughey


Allow for the pause and then use this as an opportunity to start something different.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Acting with Purpose

I have kept a note on my desk for years that simply states act with purpose.


“It is wonderful what great strides can be made when there is a resolute purpose behind them.”

~Winston Churchill


Purpose doesn’t require great acts, just sensible ones.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

There is Always Room for Improvement

We should all periodically dust off the skills that we possess and make certain that we still have a solid understanding of the skill and its best use.


“Three quarters of the mistakes a man makes are made because he does not really know the things he thinks he knows.”

~James Bryce


We will assume that Mr. Bryce did not mean to exclude women; he was merely a product of his time.  Keeping our eyes and ears open for changes and improvements to our skills keeps us fresh and relevant.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

Writing to Help Thought

Sometimes we just can’t get a clear head about something – a task, an idea, or what have you.


“I don’t know what I think until I try to write it down.”

~ Joan Didion


The act of writing can help us to order our thoughts and straighten out any tangles.


© 2013 BAReed Consulting | Business Writing Coach

The Sarcastic Muse

Writing. Information. Inspiration. Sarcasm guaranteed.

Stefanie O'Connell

Just another site

Retirement - Only the Beginning

Retirement Planning Beyond Financial

Voices In His Head

Recognized as Blog Of The Year! (unfortunately, it was given the year 1910, the start of the Great Depression)

O at the Edges

Musings on poetry, language, perception, numbers, food, and anything else that slips through the cracks.

BAReed Writing, Business Writing

Clear, professional writing is closer than you think.

Dancing Beastie

Seasonal living in a Scottish castle

The Middlest Sister

There are 5 sisters. She's the middlest.

American Oz

Clear, professional writing is closer than you think.

Blog to Work

Blogging your way to a job.

Simplifying Business Chaos

Always The Write Time Blog


Art of Non-Conformity

Clear, professional writing is closer than you think.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever

Clear, professional writing is closer than you think.

The Creative Penn

Clear, professional writing is closer than you think.

Gifts Of The Journey

The Fearless Pursuit Of A Life Worth Living


Through The Glass Darkly

an interconnected life...

Discovering the threads that connect us, one story at a time.

TED Blog

The TED Blog shares news about TED Talks and TED Conferences.


A great site

Second Star to the Right

and straight on 'til morning


Success is meant to be shared


Living cheaply and richly on an acre in Puna, Hawaii

J T Weaver

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. — Dylan.

Gen Y Girl

Twentysomething. Annoyed with corporate BS. Obsessed with Gen Y. Not bratty. Just opinionated.

Jenna Dee with a following wind


iPhone vs Camera

Book Hub, Inc.

The Total Book Experience

The Write Project

looking for light in a weary world